All posts by Admin868

Brad Hafford

Brad Hafford is a writer, traveler, teacher and archaeologist (not necessarily in that order). He teaches archaeology and critical writing at the University of Pennsylvania and writes speculative fiction in his spare time. He initially wrote Freak Justice at the Odyssey Writers Workshop where he was a student and later resident supervisor. The feedback he received there helped to make the story much stronger and his experiences at Odyssey have made him a stronger writer overall. Some of his other stories can be found on Escape Pod and in the anthology Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens. Follow him on Twitter: @BradHafford.

Evan Dicken

Evan Dicken studies old Japanese Maps and analyzes medical research at the Ohio State University by day. By night, he does neither of these things. His work has most recently appeared in: Shock Totem, Analog, and The Lovecraft eZine, and he has stories forthcoming from publishers such as: Unlikely Story, Psuedopod, and The Overcast. Feel free to visit him at:

Kelda Crich

Kelda Crich is a new born entity. She’s been lurking in her creator’s mind for a few years. Now she’s out in the open. Find Kelda in London looking at strange things in London’s medical museums or on her blog: Kelda’s work has appeared in The Lovecraft eZine, Journal of Unlikely Acceptances, Dreams from the Witch House and in the Bram Stoker Award winning After Death anthology.

Richard Chizmar

Richard Chizmar is the founder/publisher of Cemetery Dance magazine and the Cemetery Dance Publications book imprint. He has edited more than 20 anthologies and his fiction has appeared in dozens of publications, including Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine and The Year’s 25 Finest Crime and Mystery Stories. He has won two World Fantasy awards, four International Horror Guild awards, and the HWA’s Board of Trustee’s award. Chizmar and Johnathon Schaech have also written screenplays and teleplays for United Artists, Sony Screen Gems, Lions Gate, Showtime, NBC, and many other companies. Chizmar is also the creator/writer of Stephen King Revisited, and his next short story collection, A Long December, is due in 2016 (from Subterranean Press). Chizmar has appeared at numerous conferences as a writing instructor, guest speaker, panelist, and guest of honor. You can follow Richard Chizmar on both Facebook and Twitter.

Meg Belviso

Meg Belviso holds a BA in English from Smith College and an MFA from Columbia University. During the week, she chronicles angel encounters as an editor of a bi-monthly magazine on the subject, but her own tastes run more towards monsters and ghosts. As a freelancer, she has written for different properties from Malcolm in the Middle to Dexter’s Laboratory to Looney Tunes. She’s a contributor to the Who Was…? best-selling biography series for children, which she highly recommends. She’s currently working on biographies of Lewis Carroll and The Three Stooges and has contributed stories to several anthologies. In her spare time she overanalyzes books, movies and TV series with alarming focus, struggles to learn to dance and converse in languages other than English. So far the results are mixed.

Anatoly Belilovsky

Anatoly Belilovsky is a Russian-American author and translator of speculative fiction. He was born in a city that went through six or seven owners in the last century, all of whom used it to do a lot more than drive to church on Sundays; he is old enough to remember tanks rolling through it on their way to Czechoslovakia in 1968. After being traded to the US for a shipload of grain and a defector to be named later (see Wikipedia, Jackson-Vanik amendment), he learned English from Star Trek reruns and went on to become a pediatrician in an area of New York where English is only the fourth most commonly used language. His original work appeared, or will appear, in the Unidentified Funny Objects anthology, Ideomancer, Nature Futures, Stupefying Stories, Immersion Book of Steampunk, Daily SF, Mammoth Book of Dieselpunk, and Genius Loci anthology, and has been podcast by Cast of Wonders, Tales of Old, and Toasted Cake; his translations from Russian have sold to F&SF, Year’s Best SF #32 (edited by Gardner Dozois,) Grimdark, and Kasma. He blogs about writing at

Daniel Beazley

Daniel Beazley was born and raised in the South West of England. Growing up, he became captivated and drawn into the World of fantasy courtesy of the writings of Tolkien, Feist, Gemmell, Lewis, Livingstone and Dever. These together with films like Conan, Red Sonja, The Dark Crystal, Willow and Krull, truly inspired him to want to join the creative journey that is fantasy. He began writing in 1996 whilst spending some time in the sunny climes of Sicily. This continued periodically whilst working in the Army and then the Police; living in various parts of the country as well as overseas. Daniel now lives with his family in the rural countryside of Devon. You can keep up to date with the progress of his works at the following places:


